Low interest personal loan offers you a financial helping hand with no hidden costs. Personal loan can be utilized for any financial purpose of your without any restrictions, this also implies for a person suffering from bad credit.
Low interest personal loan can be used to fulfill all your needs like home improvements, debt consolidation, buying a car, higher education, holiday, etc. Personal loan can be availed from banks, financial institutions, private lenders, etc. One of the best ways to get a personal loan is to apply online. You have to fill the form and you will be contacted by banks, private lenders, etc. The main advantage in this process is you can avoid going after lenders instead you will be given offers at your door step and also you can choose the best offer given to you rather than approaching personally.
Low interest personal loan is classified as Secured loan and unsecured loan.
Secured loan is availed by pledging property (Generally house). Secured loan is also referred as home owner loan. Loan is sanctioned against collateral, which acts as a security for the lenders.
Unsecured personal loan does not require any collateral. They can be availed by tenants as well as home owners. There is no security involved in unsecured loans but the rate of interest is higher compared to secured loans. Unsecured loans are approved quickly and it does not involve any risk for the borrowers as no collateral is associated.
In both secured and unsecured loans you can borrow a minimum of 5000$ and maximum of 100000$. You will be given based on what purpose you are claiming and what is the security/past history you are showing.
Is secured personal loan a better option?
Secured personal loan is availed by showing some property as a security for the money you take from the lenders. You can have the flexibility of paying back the amount with minimum interest rates. Even the lenders are comfortable giving out secured loans compared to unsecured loans. Secured loans are less risky proposition for the lenders as you pledge your property, they will give you loan at lowest interest rates. Regardless of the status of the property i.e. mortgaged or owned outright you will be offered best deals.
There is a caution, in secured loan you have a risk of loosing your property which you pledge for taking a loan if you don’t repay the amount in time.
Erase your bad credit history. Your bad credit history will not be a hindrance as you are securing a loan against your home, in fact lenders will be more considerate irrespective of your credit history.
Author: Kirthy Rai