If you are tagged as having bad credit history then you are surely a high risk borrower for any lender. Such a borrower may even face refusal from the lender. However one can rely on those lenders who have special personal loans for high risk borrowers. High Risk Personal Loans are made to all those people whose credit rating has slumped as a result of past payment mistakes. Such borrowers usually have multiple credit problems like they repeatedly made late payments, have arrears, may have defaulted on payments or they have CCJs or IVAs.
Personal loans for these high risk borrowers are best provided without delay and hurdles if they can offer any asset like home as collateral to the lender. Collateral cuts the lender’s risks to larger extent and so the approval comes in time. Secured personal loans for high risk borrowers are also advantageous in terms of comparatively lower rate of interest and borrowing greater amount depending on collateral value. Also the loan can be repaid in 5 to 25 years, giving ample time to recover financial health also, besides easier repaying of the loan.
However, tenants or non-homeowners whose credit history is too bad and do not own a valued property, are also provided personal loans without collateral. Such unsecured personal loans can also be availed by homeowners who do not want to risk property. The loan amount ranges up to £25000 for 5 to 15 years of repaying duration. Interest rate on unsecured personal loans for high risk borrowers goes higher.
Prior to approving, lenders would like to take a deep look at the repaying ability of such borrowers. The borrowers with good income and savings and with an assuring repayment plan are preferred for the loan.
Online lenders are considered as best source of high risk personal loans. Online lenders have competitive rate loan offers for such borrowers and charges on processing the loan are nil. But take rate quotes of online lenders first to locate a suitable deal. Ensure timely repaying of the loan to improve credit score.
Author: Kara Wade
Personal loans for these high risk borrowers are best provided without delay and hurdles if they can offer any asset like home as collateral to the lender. Collateral cuts the lender’s risks to larger extent and so the approval comes in time. Secured personal loans for high risk borrowers are also advantageous in terms of comparatively lower rate of interest and borrowing greater amount depending on collateral value. Also the loan can be repaid in 5 to 25 years, giving ample time to recover financial health also, besides easier repaying of the loan.
However, tenants or non-homeowners whose credit history is too bad and do not own a valued property, are also provided personal loans without collateral. Such unsecured personal loans can also be availed by homeowners who do not want to risk property. The loan amount ranges up to £25000 for 5 to 15 years of repaying duration. Interest rate on unsecured personal loans for high risk borrowers goes higher.
Prior to approving, lenders would like to take a deep look at the repaying ability of such borrowers. The borrowers with good income and savings and with an assuring repayment plan are preferred for the loan.
Online lenders are considered as best source of high risk personal loans. Online lenders have competitive rate loan offers for such borrowers and charges on processing the loan are nil. But take rate quotes of online lenders first to locate a suitable deal. Ensure timely repaying of the loan to improve credit score.
Author: Kara Wade